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The detection of risk factors is a key element in the prevention of mental health disorders. As it is already known, the structuring of the psychic device is the result of the interaction between genetics and the environment and, for this reason; relational experiences in childhood condition the neurological and emotional development of the child. There are vital events that can be considered a risk to mental health of a child, for example, obstetric problems, difficulties of emotional regulation and bad nutrition, among others. There are also vital events that can be qualified as adverse such as situations of abuse or neglect, which seriously interfere with their normal evolution.

There is scientific evidence that the accumulation of these circumstances, considered risk factors, generates an altered life path that makes people more vulnerable to the possibility of suffering a mental disorder.

There is scientific evidence that the accumulation of these circumstances, considered risk factors, generates an altered life path that makes people more vulnerable to the possibility of suffering a mental disorder. The term risk factor is selected, among others, as adverse circumstances, warning signs, adverse relational experiences and/or victimization, since in the scientific literature risk factors are named in this way when their presence is shown to increase the risk related to the appearance of mental disorder.

LISMEN is a list of mental health items based on national and international scientific bibliography on risk factors. The information requested is accessible to non-mental health professionals. It can be used both in community health services, as well as paediatrics and family medicine, both in community services such as educational centres and social services or in specific mental health services, juvenile justice and other services. It can also be answered by a person who is interested in exploring his or her own bibliography.